Our Story

My love for wine really started in my 20's and for many years, was a wonderful hobby enjoyed with both friends and family, through social gatherings as well as amateur wine clubs!

Over time, I found that my frustrations grew. I was enjoying more wine but I still didn't quite understand what made a wine more expensive, nor which wine to go for on a wine list.

So at the grand old age of 40, I decided to take the bull by the horns and formally learn about the subject – yes, WSET school!

Despite the inevitable shock to the system, I loved immersing myself in a subject that gave me such pleasure. Life is too short not to be doing something you love every day! So in early 2020, I pulled the plug on a 20 year long city career and decided to channel my energy into Wine@Heart... 

In an industry that I believe still feels stuffy and intimidating, it’s so important that Wine@Heart is a fresh, honest and passionate approach to wine.
